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Becoming a nursing assistant is really a calling to many individuals. It takes a special person and a specific type of personality to be attracted to the nursing assistant profession. You are a huge
More...We live in what you might call the Era of High Definition. Movies are shot in crystal clear HD, music is recorded in pristine HD sound, even television is broadcast in high definition. This is all w
More...Mountain Biking Madness
You can’t really have a book about mountain biking unless you have an actual mountain bike with which to ride. So what better way to start this book than to talk about how to choose one? Belie
More...Motivation University
If you hold a business management degree or have prior experience running a profitable small to medium sized business, you have a unique talent. Many Americans would love to run their own busi
More...Massage is rapidly growing in popularity. In the past 10 years, the need for qualified massage therapists has increased substantially. It is no longer the sole prevue of massage parlors
More...Massage Therapy produces a number of different benefits for the body and the person who inhabits it. These are not New Age babblings. Research provides support for several of the claims.&n
More...Making Your Thanksgiving Party A Success
There comes a time in everybody’s life when he or she decides it is time to throw a party. There are many different reasons why people want to have a party. Parties are a time for showing off yo
More...You may or may not know a lot about wine but it’s definitely important to understand the rich history behind wine before you go out and try to make it for yourself. Wine, as you probably know, i
More...Making Your First Feature Film
Making Your First Feature Film, For Reel – Sure, plenty of people go broke putting together a film that ends up looking as amateurish as you feel. This doesn't have to happen. Learn
More...Finding A Job In A Recession
In all the coverage and editorializing on the recession that began during the Bush administration, something has been conveniently overlooked: It's not the first recession the United States has ever ha